Sunday, July 12, 2009


I honestly don't know what to blog about so I am going to just make stuff up while I go along. I relized I haven't posted a blog for a while. So I am going to start talking about fried chicken. I am very upset that they started serving Grilled Chicken at KFC, I mean if they honsestly wanted to start serving it they should've made the name KFAGC I mean seriously people. Next subject is . yup . Those dots represent what goes at the end of a sentence to give the reader a chance to breathe. Imagine a Paragraph without a period or any other puncutaion!! Try reading this....without taking a breathe

One day I was riding my bike there was a walrus in the road so I had to stop the walrus barked so I fell off my bike because I was startled that the walrus barked so I tryed to take him back to the zoo but they said they didn't carry walruses so we both cried well the walrus barked so I decided to take him to the ocean but on our way there we saw a purple bear and he was wearing a pink sunhat and apparently he was hungry so he ate us THE END

Now take a breath Haha

I hope you all enjoyed my very random, yet AMAZING Blog! Now go laugh your face off!!! Haha just kidding, that would be really bad, and painful. By the way I am very sorry if I have any spelling errors of puncutaion errors. HAVE FUN AT HOMECOMING!!


  1. lol Courtney you witty funny child you.

  2. that is funny Courtney and I tried to read that paragraph without taking a breath it was hard, I couldn't do it. btw, you blog is ADORABLE.
